Sited upon rising ground on the opposite side of the farm track to Mid Gleniron long cairns I and II, this is a fine, apparently undisturbed round cairn.
Not sure if access is covered by any local agreement – I forgot to ask – but since the relevant field was teeming with frisky, young cows at the time of my visit, I thought it proper to ask regardless. Referred to as simply a ‘cairn’ upon the 1:25K OS map (which incidentally shows Mid Gleniron II in an incorrect position) I guess no-one knows whether this great stone pile conceals a chamber, cist, or indeed, anything at all – and thus it’s age relative to the long cairns. Having said that, its positioning overlooking, and therefore dominating, the three Neolithic cairns is perhaps indicative of the Bronze Age? Respecting, yet nevertheless assuming ‘ownership’ over what went before.
Climbing to the summit of the cairn, the panorama of the ritual landscape of Mid Gleniron farm is truly something special. And luckily cows can’t climb cairns... so soon lost interest in the intruder.