
Image of Haggstone Moor (Kerbed Cairn) by markj99

Haggstone Moor Kerb Cairn viewed from E.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Haggstone Moor (Kerbed Cairn) by markj99

Haggstone Moor Kerb Cairn viewed from S.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Haggstone Moor (Kerbed Cairn) by markj99

Haggstone Moor Kerb Cairn viewed from W.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Haggstone Moor (Kerbed Cairn) by markj99

SW Arc viewed from Centre of Haggstone Moor Kerb Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Haggstone Moor (Kerbed Cairn) by markj99

Large Triangular Kerb Stone on SW Arc of Haggstone Moor Kerb Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Haggstone Moor (Kerbed Cairn) by markj99

Central Hollow of Haggstone Moor Kerb Cairn viewed from W.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Haggstone Moor

Directions: Take the narrow lane signed for Works Traffic at NX 0662 7380 off the A77 between Glen App Church and Haggstone. After c. 0.6 miles park up in a lay-by at NX 0603 7311. Walk SW along the Stranraer Coastal Path for c. 0.5 miles to reach a gate into the rough pasture which contains Haggstone Moor Cairn. My route is viewable on Haggstone Moor Cairn.

Haggstone Moor

There is a cairn located in South Ayrshire, c. 2 miles N of Cairnryan, listed on Canmore ID 60867 as a kerb cairn. The grassy cairn measures c. 50 feet in diameter and 3 feet high. There are no visible stones on the cairn, except for 8 probable kerb stones on the SW perimeter. The largest stone is a triangular stone, measuring c. 3 feet long by 1 foot wide at the base, resembling a recumbent standing stone. The surface of the cairn is irregular with a central grassy hollow, probably an excavation pit.

Sites within 20km of Haggstone Moor