Craigbirnoch Central SE Cairn is located c. 300 yards NE of the junction of Craigbirnoch Farm Track with the New Luce to Barrhill single-track road. It is c. 70 yards E of a passing place (NX 17641 69180) on a sharp corner in open boggy moorland. The round cairn, listed as Canmore ID 61402, measures c. 14 yards in diameter and 2 feet high. The W half of Craigbirnoch Central SE Cairn has an irregular grassy surface in contrast to the lower E half, which has scattered field clearance stones deposited on its grassy surface. A quarried hollow in the NE quadrant has been filled in with medium sized clearance boulders.
Craigbirnoch Central SE Cairn is one of a cluster of cairns E of Craigbirnoch Farm. Craigbirnoch Central NW Cairn is located c. 70 yards NNW of Craigbirnoch Central SE Cairn.