
Image of Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Field Clearance Stones on N Arc of Cairn MacNeilie (Cruise)

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Summit of Cairn MacNeilie (Cruise) viewed from N.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise (Cairn(s)) by markj99

A Cluster of Stones in Centre of Cairn MacNeilie (Cruise).

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise

Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise lies in a field N of Cruise farm on the minor road between Glenluce and New Luce, around 1 mile from New Luce.

Canmore ID 61666 (go to Links) describes it as a circular cairn of 17 metres across which has been expanded by field clearance stones. The top of the cairn is covered in whins which discouraged my investigation of a possible cist.

Cairn Macneilie, Inchparks is 7.4 km WSW of this site.


Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise

Directions to Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise: Take the W turn to Glenluce off the A75. Turn left for New Luce after 0.2 mile. Stay on this road for c. 4 miles to reach Cruise Farm. Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise Cairn is in a field on the left. This field is boggy, so wellies are recommended.

Sites within 20km of Cairn MacNeilie, Cruise