High Gillespie Cairn is a ruined grassy mound located in pasture land c. 4 miles SE of Glenluce in Dumfries and Galloway. The surface of the sub-circular cairn has been smothered by gorse bushes. Field clearance stones have been dumped on the N perimeter of the cairn. The current mound measures c. 110 feet in diameter and 5 feet high on a summit plateau.
Canmore ID 62207 states that High Gillespie Cairn had a facade on the E Arc with 5 visible stones. There are no signs of a facade and visible stones in the E arc today. In fact there is evidence of recent excavation on the E Arc. This may be related to a badgers sett dug into the E perimeter of the mound.
Canmore ID 62207 also states that the main axis of the cairn was ENE-WSW, with at least 6 chambers constructed therein. This is difficult to confirm given the ruinous state of the cairn. I located a possible square capstone, measuring c. 4 x 4 x 1 feet, on a collapsed cist on the NE Arc and an exposed cist, measuring c. 5 x 3 x 3 feet on the S Quadrant. The S cist consists of a buried N end slab, an E slab measuring c. 5 x 3 x 1 feet, a missing S slab and a W slab measuring c. 7 x 3 x 1 feet.