W Enclosure of Teroy Fort viewed from ENE.
W Enclosure of Teroy Fort viewed from ENE.
Teroy Broch viewed from ENE.
Teroy Fort viewed from S.
Teroy Fort viewed from W.
Approaching Teroy Fort from W.
Don’t fall in here. It hurts.
The broch is visible in the distance. See fieldnotes for full directions. Sorry for taking the ‘fun’ out of finding this site.
Teroy in it’s landscape with Loch Ryan beyond.
View inside remaining structure
Teroy outer ditch
Visited 28.10.22
I have added this update because the trees round Teroy Fort have been felled since Spencer’s fieldnotes. I followed his route up to the edge of the forest, then walked along a field margin to reach Teroy Fort. My route can be seen on Teroy Fort (go to Links).
How to find Teroy – it’s worth the effort, simple if you know. After leaving the A77 I parked on the other side of the minor road to the single storey house that precedes Craigcaffie and walked down the adjacent very pleasant tree-lined stone farm track, straight initially. After the track crossed a stream it curved NE, following the stream’s course, whereupon a strip of forestry came into view. I walked round the end of a very dilapidated metal gate and up an overgrown track with the sound of the burbling stream on one side and forestry on the other. After a couple of hundred metres or so another gate came into view, which was by no means vertical, held up by wire, and had to be climbed. Beyond was pasture, and visible at the other side of this was another metal gate at the edge of a far more substantial area of forestry. This one could be opened and shut. The overgrown track resumed, stone wall on the stream side. The track was virtually impassable with verdant bracken and gorse. After a few yards a very well worn animal track – I assume deer – headed into the forestry on my right. I took it and walked between the conifers, climbing uphill looking for signs of the broch... which I eventually found – but directions for finding are based on my return journey. So: walk keeping parallel to the overgrown track about three trees into the plantation so your eyes dont get poked by low dead branches. Eventually as you climb gently you will come across, in close proximity, a strip of corrugated asbestos, a large curved piece of corrugated iron, and then a large rough tressle table with a corrugated iron top. When you get to the latter, look uphill along the conifer row. You will see a clearing, sky beyond, with a small tree – a hawthorn – on its left. You are looking at the broch. Walk up between the conifers and you will find a very peaceful place. There are some roughly circular stone outworks some three feet high which also make use of a natural stone outcrop – I wonder whether these are part of an earlier structure, and whether the place was reused by the brochs builders, building their structure on the NE part of these. There is a more substantial natural stone outcrop on the SE side. Devoid of forestry this promontory broch would have had a fine view over Loch Ryan. The stonework of the broch itself is only about a foot or so high, but of a fair thickness. In summer it will be difficult to fully appreciate the sites construction due to the covering of bracken, nonetheless I found greenery of any nature a pleasant contrast to the surrounding conifers. It really was a fine place to be on a sunny day. I heard a raptors call, and then a goshawk flew over, and another called in response. I pottered around photographing, and found a stonework lined void a couple of feet deep on the E, landward, side side, where I assume the entrance was. I clicked away, and then a piece of moss covered stone that I was standing on gave way. I fell into this void, camera in one hand, smartphone in the other, unable to arrest my fall. My right thigh muscle hurt rather a lot. End of visit. I was able to hobble back to the car, thankfully. There had been no mobile phone signal had I not. A most salutory lesson. Things could have been worse. There can be perils in solo adventures of this nature. Visits to subsequent sites had to be based on nearness to my car, some shelved for another time. My leg took days to mend. Nonetheless, I want to return to Teroy. It was a little peaceful green island. So, plenty of archaeology to see and ponder over... a reused site? Make sure you don’t fall into it, though.
“Teroy-Almost certainly a Broch” R W Feachem 1963 (Canmore).
Well it sure looks like it might have been a broch, although now much reduced. If you remove the surrounding forestry in the minds eye, Broch or galleried dun, Teroy fort must have been a commanding structure sat on its prominence over-looking the loch. There remains what could be an entrance with a possible intramural guard cell on the ENE side; a ditch of significant depth also protects this area with a steep slope protecting the opposite side. It is a bit tricky finding the place but is possible with a good map and for the broch obsessed, a must.
Teroy Fort on OS Mapping.