
Image of Laggangarn (Standing Stones) by rockartwolf


Modern day graffiti..why travel miles then do this?


Image credit: pebblewolf
Image of Laggangarn (Standing Stones) by rockartwolf


large mound with the 2 upright stones at the back, with a smaller stone lying flat at the front. Also notice the small broken stone upright in the centre of the mound which is believed to be the grave of the farmer who removed the other stones from the possible circle.


Image credit: pebblewolf
Image of Laggangarn (Standing Stones) by rockartwolf


close up on one of the christian crosses carved onto the stones around 9oo AD...


Image credit: pebblewolf



Standing Stones

These stones are mentioned by Sara Maitland in her book “Gossip From The Forest – The Tangled Roots of Our Forests and Fairytales” in her chapter on Purgatory Wood. She relates their dark history as a a non-native spruce plantation and associations with Pugatory Burn which marked the western boundary of a nearby leper colony.

“The track I took into the Purgatory Wood meets the Southern Upland Way as it climbs up from New Luce, and a single path crossed the Purgatory Burn and runs eastward to Laggangairn ... and then beyond it to the Laggangairn standing stones – the last vestiges of a Bronze Age stone circle, carved with eighth century christian graffiti left by the pilgrims to St Ninians shrine at Whithorn”

Sites within 20km of Laggangarn