

Carlock Hill

Visited 06.02.23

There is a ruined cairn on the summit of Carlock Hill, c. 3.5 miles S of Ballantrae in South Ayrshire. The remains of the cairn are located c. 0.5 miles NE of the N end of Glen App.
Carlock Hill Cairn stones were used to construct dry stane dykes in the 19th Century according to Canmore ID 60852. Canmore also states that “human bones of enormous size (Name Book 1856) were found” during the robbing.
A dry stane dyke, running on a NNE-SSW Axis, bisects the original footprint of Carlock Hill Cairn. The N & W quadrants of the cairn have been erased, leaving a grassy semicircle in the E & S quadrants. The semicircle, which measures c. 7 yards in radius is delineated by an outer grassy bank. This bank measures c. 3 feet wide by up to 1 foot high. The flat interior of the semicircle has patches of reeds on a grassy surface.

Sites within 20km of Carlock Hill