Visited 11.02.24
Friar’s Kirk NW Cairn is located on open moorland c. 3 miles NNW of Penwhirn Reservoir in Dumfries and Galloway. The round grassy mound has small stones studded on the surface. The N half of the cairn has a hollow up to 1 foot deep. Conversely, there is a loose mound of stones c. 6 feet wide by 1.5 feet high on the S arc. A large slab measuring c. 3x2x0.33 feet lies on the mound, towards the centre of the cairn. The slab could be a remnant of a cist. The overall dimensions of the cairn are c. 36 feet across by 3 feet high.
Friar’s Kirk SE Cairn lies c. 270 yards SE of Friar’s Kirk NW Cairn. Further details of Friar’s Kirk NW Cairn are available in Canmore ID 61882.