Visited 10.02.24
There is a group of 4 cairns located in a rectangular area, measuring c. 175 by 130 yards, on Drumanwherran moor c. 1.5 miles NNW of Penwhirn Reservoir. The largest cairn lies on the NE corner of the boggy moorland rectangle. It is the most prominent landmark due to a modern shepherds cairn erected in the centre of the grassy mound. The OS grid reference quoted above refers to this cairn.
Canmore ID 61935 describes a large round cairn measuring c. 75 feet in diameter and 4 feet high. The grassy surface is studded with small stones. A modern shepherds cairn measuring c. 10 feet high has been erected in the centre of the mound. This may account for a hollow up to c. 1 foot deep in the N half. Additionally, there is a small stone structure built onto the S perimeter.
Canmore ID 61892 suggests that “a peat-covered mound measuring 7.5m in diameter and 0.5m in height”, c. 50 yards S of Canmore ID 61935, “is probably a cairn”. In situ, the rough tussocky green mound stands out in the brown moorland lending credence to its status.
Canmore ID 61893 lies c. 175 yards S of Canmore ID 61935. The cairn is a sub-circular hollow of rushes measuring c. 24 feet across and 1 foot deep.
Canmore ID 61894 has details of a robbed round cairn c. 130 yards WSW of Canmore ID 61935. The mound, which measures c. 27 feet in diameter and 1.5 feet high, has a grassy central plateau. A large slab measuring c. 3x2x0.5 feet lies on the W arc, possibly a remnant of a destroyed cist.