
Image of Benlaight North (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Centre of Benlaight North Cairn viewed from E

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Benlaight North

Benlaight North Cairn is an oval green spot in brown moorland at NX 21190 61119. It measures c. 20 feet E-W and 15 feet N-S up to a height of c. 1 foot in the centre. Small earth-set stones protrude from the centre. It is probably a robbed out small cairn.
There is a cairn c. 25 yards W at NX 21170 61117 on a W facing slope. The shape is irregular and there are scattered small stones in the centre indicating that it could be a clearance cairn.
Canmore ID 62411 (go to Links) has an account of some low cairns and hut circles in this area.


Benlaight North

Directions: Take the Three Lochs turn in the centre of Glenluce heading N. Stay on this road for c. 2.5 miles to reach a lay-by at NX 21619 60922. Head W into the field opposite for c. 50 yards. Turn left following the rough farm track for c. 200 yards to a gate. Benlaight South Cairn is c. 300 yards W of the gateway. Retrace your steps along the margin of the field go through a gate onto moorland. Walk up a steep slope on a ENE bearing for c. 250 yards to NX 21190 61119 to reach Benlaight North Cairn.

My route to Benlaight Cairns is viewable on the following link:

Sites within 20km of Benlaight North