Visited 03.12.22
Airyhemming W Cairn is an extensively robbed oval cairn c, 2 miles NE of Dunragit, measuring c. 23 feet in diameter according to Canmore ID 61162 (go to Links). The original cairn has been extended to the SE by deposited field clearance stones, resulting in a sub-rectangular long cairn measuring c. 90 feet long by 36 feet wide. There is a significant deposit of small stones on the NW flank of the cairn. The centre of the cairn is largely clear of stones but the SE end is covered in clearance stones. The largest boulder in the SE half measures c. 6 x 5 x 3 feet. There is a companion cairn, Airyhemming E Cairn, c. 250 yards E of Airyhemming W Cairn.