Loch Heron NW Crannog viewed from W.
Loch Heron NW Crannog viewed from W.
Loch Heron NW Crannog viewed from W.
Loch Heron NW Crannog viewed from W.
Directions to Loch Heron Crannog: Take the North Street turn (signed for Whitecairn Farm Caravan Park) off Main Street in Glenluce. Follow this narrow road for c. 7 miles to reach a minor crossroads at Three Lochs Holiday Park. Take the right turn opposite the holiday park entrance onto a single track road. Follow the road for c. 0.25 mile to a lay-by on the right. The crannog can be viewed from here.
Visited 12.05.23
Loch Heron is located immediately S of Three Lochs Holiday Park between Glenluce and Newton Stewart in Dumfries and Galloway. The aforementioned three lochs, from SW to NE, are Loch Ronald, Loch Heron and Black Loch. According to Canmore ID 62396, there were two crannogs on Loch Heron.
Loch Heron NW Crannog was constructed on an artificial island c. 80 yards E from the centre of the W bank. The small isle has been intensively populated by trees and shrubs obscuring any view of the crannog’s remains. Canmore gives the dimensions of a mound on the isle as 51m NW-SE, 26m transversely and 2.2m high.
Loch Heron SW Crannog is a submerged islet located c. 50m SE of the wooded isle. There are no signs of it from the W bank. Details of Loch Heron SW Crannog are available in Canmore ID 62396.
Loch Herron Crannog on Google Maps.