
Image of Arnsheen N (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Jumble of Stones in Centre of Arnsheen N Cairn viewed from S.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Arnsheen N (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Arnsheen S Cairn viewed from Arnsheen N Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Arnsheen N (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Arnsheen Cup Marked Stone viewed from NE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Arnsheen N (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Double Cup Mark on NE Face of Arnsheen Cup Carved Stone.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Arnsheen N (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Double Cup Mark on NE Face of Arnsheen Cup Carved Stone.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Arnsheen N (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Cup Mark on NE Face of Arnsheen Cup Carved Stone

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Arnsheen N

Visited 05.12.22

Arnsheen N Cairn is a robbed cairn located c. 4 miles SE of Barrhill, in South Ayrshire. The grassy cairn measures c. 12 yards in diameter and 1 yard high. A quarry pit from the S Arc has exposed a jumble of small to medium sized stones in the centre of the cairn, the only stones visible on the cairn. Canmore ID 62459 (go to Links) has further details of Arnsheen N Cairn. There are traces of a low stone wall on the NW Arc of Arnsheen N Cairn. A triangular stone on the SW end of the wall has two double cup marks and a single cup mark on its NE face. Canmore ID 62456 does not consider this stone to be an antiquity. Arnsheen S Cairn, a large robbed out cairn, is situated c. 30 yards NNE of Arnsheen N Cairn.


Arnsheen N

Directions: Arnsheen S Cairn is c. 250 yards SW of a lay-by at NX 27713 77179 on the B7027 Barrhill road. Walk c. 50 yards N along the road to reach two large fenceposts on the W margin of the forest. Head W into the trees along a forest ride. This green lane intersects with a forest ride heading SW. Follow this rough path for c. 200 yards. This boggy route becomes drier as it approaches the forest clearing in which the Arnsheen Cairns are located. Wellies and a walking stick are recommended.

Sites within 20km of Arnsheen N