
Image of Court Cairn, The May (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Summit of Court Cairn, The May with modern cairn added.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Court Cairn, The May (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Possible outlying Kerb Stone, 20 yards W of Court Cairn Cairn, The May.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Court Cairn, The May

Court Cairn, The May was an important cairn where criminals were brought to trial according to Canmore ID 62914 (go to Links). However the cairn has been robbed out and only a low grassy mound remains on the top of a natural knoll adjacent to The May farmhouse. The cairn is around 10 yards in diameter and I yard high with the unwelcome addition of a 2 foot modern cairn on top. Some large field clearance stones have been dumped on the cairn, adding insult to injury.
I found a flat dressed stone, 4 x 2 x 0.5 feet 20 yards W of the cairn, which may have been a kerb stone.

Court Cairn is one of a small cluster of cairns at The May consisting of Court Cairn, The May and Lang Rigs.

Directions: At the top of the A75 Glenluce Bypass take the A747 Port William road. After 3.5 miles pass through Auchenmalg continuing along the coast to the Rocks of Garheugh, a series of sharp corners uphill. Take the next L signposted as B7005 Wigtown. After 2.5 miles turn L at Culshabbin for Kirkcowan via Drumwalt. Court Cairn, The May is 0.4 miles on the L at The May farm. There is room to park in a gateway adjacent to the field.

Sites within 20km of Court Cairn, The May