
Image of White Cairn, Glenterrow (Destroyed) (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Remains of White Cairn, Glenterrow viewed from NE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of White Cairn, Glenterrow (Destroyed) (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Remains of White Cairn, Glenterrow viewed from NW.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of White Cairn, Glenterrow (Destroyed) (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Remains of White Cairn, Glenterrow viewed from SE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


White Cairn, Glenterrow (Destroyed)


Take the New Luce turn off the A75 at the E end of Castle Kennedy village. After around 2.4 miles there is a small lay-by on the R with a Southern Upland Way sign. Continue past this spot for c. 0.3 miles to reach a large open parking space for a forestry road with a No Unauthorised Vehicle Access sign at NX14126188. Walk NE up the road for c. 150 yards to reach a gateway into a field on the L. Hug the wall in the field for around 70 yards to reach the edge of the 1 foot high cairn platform on your L side. It is defined by a shallow irregular grassy platform with a elevated edge. The cairn footprint is a circle around 25 yards in diameter. The rough moorland grass starts within yards of the NE arc of the circle.

White Cairn, Glenterrow (Destroyed)

Visited 01.11.20

Glenterrow White Cairn was once a landmark on the Castle Kennedy to New Luce road. However, according to Canmore ID 61690 (go to Links), “it was demolished about 1816.” There is a raised platform of rough uneven ground measuring c. 25 yards in diameter and 1 foot in height within 10 yards N of the roadside. The grassy circle is in a verdant strip of pasture with contrasting brown moorland to the NE.

Sites within 20km of White Cairn, Glenterrow (Destroyed)