Directions to Altigoukie Burn Cairn: Take the W turn to Glenluce off the A75. Turn left for New Luce after 0.2 mile. Stay on this road for c. 5 miles to reach New Luce. Go straight on at the top of Main Street for 1.3 miles to reach Barlure Farm track. There is a room for one car to park at the junction. Walk along Barlure Farm track for c. 225 yards to reach a cattle grid. There is a sign which reads “Start of path to Kilfeddar farm – Distance 2.9km”. Continue W along the track for c. 150 yards to the centre of Barlure Farm. Turn left at the farmhouse heading downhill through pasture to Barlure Farm Railway Bridge. (There was a pool of water one foot deep under the bridge: lucky I was wearing wellies!) Head NW along the muddy track beside the railway line. Continue along this track for 0.8 miles to NX 15845 67587, 100 yards before it crosses a stream. Head NE across rough pasture for the railway line for c. 0.5 miles. When the glen narrows cross a fence, head W for Altigoukie Burn in boggy moorland. Altigoukie Burn Burnt Mound is located on the S bank of the burn at NX 1633 6810. Altigoukie Burn Cairn lies c. 110 yards NW from the burnt mound. My route can be viewed on Altigoukie Burn Cairn and Burnt Mound.