Glenterrow Cairn is an almost destroyed cairn 50 metres NW of Glenterrow Four Poster. It is in the SW corner of a rectangular field on the edge of moorland. The cairn, 20 yards across, has been reduced to ground level with the exceptions being a 1 foot high earth bank running 90 degrees from SW to NW and a 2 feet high earth bank running 45 degrees from E to SE. The cairn has been stripped of stones except for a clump of stones at the NW point of the bank. There is a large boulder measuring 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.4 metres, a possible kerb stone, with three smaller stones.
It is only a matter of 50 metres SE to Glenterrow Four Poster lying in moorland beyond the fence. This is the easiest and driest route to Glenterrow Four Poster which is now un-signposted and unloved.
The real significance of this cairn is not its condition but its location. Its proximity to the four poster raises the question of the relationship between the two monuments. Were they built at the same time or do they represent different phases of occupation?
A Canmore search for Glenterrow produces Glenterrow Cairn as Canmore ID 61689 (go to Links) as well as two other destroyed cairns within a 500 metre radius.
This changes Glenterrow Four Poster from an isolated site to a site surrounded by other monuments.
Directions: Take the New Luce turn off the A75 at the E end of Castle Kennedy village. After 3.5 miles there is a gateway on the L at NX 1478 6240. There is a farm track leading N at first then bearing NW into a gateway at a boggy corner. Go through the gate and head SW up the field parallel to the fence for 350 yards. Glenterrow Cairn is in the SW corner of the field.