Visited 03.09.23
Craig Fell N & S Cairns are located in Glenwhan Forest, c. 3 miles S of New Luce in Dumfries and Galloway. An off-road bike is preferable to travel the c. 3.5 miles via rocky forest tracks.
Craig Fell N Cairn is in a clearing c. 100 yards E of the forest track. It can be accessed by a vague boggy path through scrubby trees. The irregular grassy mound measures c. 50 feet across and 3 feet high according to Canmore ID 61609. Its surface is scarred by plough-lines. There are some medium-sized embedded stones scattered amongst the tussocks.
The smaller S cairn is located c. 75 yards S of Craig Fell N Cairn. According to Canmore ID 61604 Craig Fell S Cairn was one of many small cairns destroyed by afforestation. It is inaccessible due to an impenetrable forest.
There is room to park at NX 1412 6188. My route is viewable on Craig Fell Cairns.