
Image of Droughduil (Artificial Mound) by spencer

May 4th 2019...Droughduil Mound covered in bluebells. As, it seems, is the rest of Galloway. Wonderful.

Image credit: Mike Purslow
Image of Droughduil (Artificial Mound) by spencer

The view looking NNW from the top, which is an early Bronze Age cairn built on top of the late Neolithic remainder. The pale green field top right contains unexcavated features ID’ by aerial photography inc a wooden posthole avenue. Beyond the field – the L-R hedgeline is the railway to Stranraer – is the site of the wooden henge and 300’ m dia tri-concentric wooden cursus excavated in 1999-2002. Droughduil itself was excavated in ‘02, and was shown to be a probable contemporary viewing platform for the 2500 BC cursus.

Image credit: Mike Purslow
Image of Droughduil (Artificial Mound) by spencer

N side. Path to the top visible. Fence posts at the bottom give an idea of its size.. yes, it IS that big. And 4500+ yrs old.

Image credit: Mike Purslow



Artificial Mound
Dunragit Excavation

A summary of the Manchester University excavations at Dunragit in 1999-2002. Top photograph shows the excavation of Droughduil’s W side. Another photo shows the excavations of the wooden Dunragit circle and triple concentric cursus, with the interlinked Droughduil, believed a viewing platform, in the background.

Sites within 20km of Droughduil