
Image of Boreland (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Field Clearance Stones in W Half of Boreland Farm Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone




There is a parking space at NX 3575 5797, where the B7052 signposted for Sorbie turns off the B733 Kircowan to Wigtown road. The Boreland Cairn is on the R hand side 50m before the junction. There is a gate 200m along the road avoiding an electric fence. The cairn is evident in an otherwise flat field.


Visited 29.7.15

On B733, a short distance north-west from the Torhousekie stone circle (or Torhouse as Historic Scotland calls it) Right next to the junction.

Only time for a quick look – on the other side of a dry stone wall. It appears as a low, grass covered, stony mound. The field had not been ploughed on my visit.

Canmore state:
The cairn measures 25m in diameter and 0.7m high. The surrounding land has been ploughed right up to the edge of the cairn. 1976

Sites within 20km of Boreland