Mid Float E Standing Stone has it’s own security guards.
Mid Float E Standing Stone has it’s own security guards.
Mid Float E Standing Stone guarded by stirks.
A warning to stay away from Mid Float E Standing Stone.
The SW face of Mid Float E Standing Stone shows signs of cattle rubbing.
The flat irregular E face of Mid Float E Standing Stone.
Mid Float E is a standing stone 250 yards NE of Mid Float Farm. The base of the stone is triangular c. 3x3x3 feet in cross-section. It rises to a rounded point at 5.5 feet. The flat SW face shows signs of cattle rubbing. The E face is flat and irregular. The N side of the stone is angular with sheared faces.
Canmore ID 60456 (go to Links) suggested there were 4 cup marks on the SW face in 1970 however a later visit in 1984 came to the conclusion that they were probably natural.
Canmore also proposed the stone may be a glacial erratic which was placed in a vertical position, presumably as a rubbing stone. However the shape of the stone and the fact that it is has a footing in the ground leads me to think it may be prehistoric. If we consider the nearby, now recumbent, standing stone at Whirlpool c. 550 yards N, it is possible there may have been an alignment.
Directions: From Stranraer follow the A716 Drummore for 6.5 miles until you reach Sandhead. Turn R onto the signposted B7042 Portpatrick road for 0.3 miles. Turn L onto the unsigned road at the end of the wood. Follow this road for 1.4 miles until you pass Auchentibbert Cottage on your R, then turn L after 100 yards. Stay on this narrow lane for 0.6 miles observing the 3 wind turbines on Whirlpool Farm on the R. You can park at a double gate at the base of a hill. Turn R in the field following the field perimeter SE for c. 0.33 mile until you can see Mid Float E on your R in an adjacent field.
Mid Float E is 250 yards E of Mid Float W.
Mid Float E is not on OS mapping.
Mid Float E Standing Stone