
Image of Gallop Hole (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Embedded Stones in N Arc of Gallop Hole Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Gallop Hole (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Hollow in Centre of Gallop Hole Cairn viewed from N.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Gallop Hole

Visited 07.01.23

Gallop Hole Cairn is located on the W edge of Haggstone Moor in South Ayrshire. It was identified as the remains of a possible burial cairn by RCHAMS in 1981. Gallop Hole Cairn is a grassy oval mound measuring 7m (E-W Axis) and 4.5m (N-S Axis), reaching a height of 0.4m according to Canmore ID 60882. The S Arc is preserved as a grass-covered bank. The only stones visible on the cairn are two stones embedded in the N Arc. The centre of the cairn has been excavated, leaving a hollow in the centre.

Sites within 20km of Gallop Hole