Visited 03.04.23
Brae Moor Cairn is a sub-circular grassy footprint in rough pasture c. 5 miles NNW of Port William in Dumfries and Galloway. The cairn is located c. 15 yards W of Corwall Farm track, c. 600 yards S of the B7005. There are intermittent remains of an earth bank on the perimeter, best preserved on the SE Arc up to a height of 2 feet. The cairn is c. 50 feet in diameter with an exposed cist on a NE-SW Axis in the centre. The rectangular cist, which is surrounded by bracken, measures c. 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet.
Canmore ID 62227 has further details of Brae Moor Cairn.