
Image of Cairnerzean Fell Summit (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Cairnerzean Fell Summit Cairn viewed from N.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cairnerzean Fell Summit (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Cairnerzean Fell Summit Cairn viewed from E.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cairnerzean Fell Summit (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Cairnerzean Fell Summit Cairn viewed from S.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cairnerzean Fell Summit (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Ruined Sheep Ree in W Arc of Cairnerzean Fell Summit Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cairnerzean Fell Summit (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Modern Cairn on Summit of Cairnerzean Fell Summit Cairn viewed from W.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Cairnerzean Fell Summit

Visited 09.02.22

Cairnerzean Fell Summit Cairn is located on a knoll at the highest point of Cairnerzean Fell. It is a largely robbed out cairn measuring c. 20 yards across. The cairn has a low stony bank on the N Arc. This becomes a low kerb of loose stones for 180 degrees on the E and S Arcs. The W Arc is occupied by a ruined sheep ree built from cairn stones. The empty interior of the cairn has a grassy surface with a few scattered small stones concentrated in the centre where a modern cairn c. 4 feet high has been constructed. Further information is included in Canmore ID 61458 (go to Links).

Sites within 20km of Cairnerzean Fell Summit