Visited 16.07.23
Lang Riggs (The May) Cairn is located c. 400 yards SSW of The May Farm in Dumfries and Galloway. The round cairn, situated in the centre of a field, was reduced to c. 60 feet in diameter and 4 feet high according to a 1911 account in Canmore ID 62205. The grassy platform has been used as a dumping ground for medium to large field clearance stones, mostly round the perimeter, increasing its height to c. 6 feet. Canmore ID 62205 speculated that the cairn was excavated by the Marquis of Bute in 1942. A stony trench in the eastern half may be the result of this excavation.
Court Cairn is one of a small cluster of cairns at The May consisting of Court Cairn, The May and Lang Rigs.