
Image of Gowk Nest Wood (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Two Small Stones embedded in N Quadrant of Gowk Nest Wood Cairn (Yardstick for Scale).

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Gowk Nest Wood (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Hollow in Centre of Gowk Nest Wood Cairn viewed from W.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Gowk Nest Wood

Visited 16.11.22

Gowk Nest Wood Cairn is located c. 50 yards W of Gowk Nest Wood, c. 0.8 miles NW of New Luce. The round grass mound measures c. 40 feet in diameter and 2 feet high. It has been entirely robbed of stones except for two small stones embedded in the W Quadrant. The interior of the cairn has an irregular grassy surface. There is a shallow hollow in the centre of the cairn. Gowk Nest Wood Cairn is located c. 300 yards N of Mains of Larg NE & NW Cairns. It is listed as a probable cairn on Canmore ID 61375 (go to Links).


Gowk Nest Wood

Directions to Gowk Nest Wood: Take the New Luce/Barrhill road off the A75 c. 50 yards E of the Esso Petrol Station in Castle Kennedy. Stay on this road for c. 5.4 miles to the edge of New Luce. Bear left c. 50 yards before the 30 mph limit signs. Follow this road for c. 0.3 miles under the railway viaduct to a lay-by c. 50 yards beyond the viaduct. Head W from here, following my 0.65 miles Mains of Larg Cairns (go to Mains of Larg NW Links) route.

Sites within 20km of Gowk Nest Wood