
Image of Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone by markj99

Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone viewed from ENE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone by markj99

Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone viewed from SSE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone by markj99

Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone viewed from WSW.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone by markj99

Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone viewed from NNW.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone

Visited 16.06.24

Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone is located in rough pasture c. 0.75 miles E of Cairnryan in Dumfries and Galloway. The undressed stone slab measures c. 4.5 feet in height with a c. 3 x 1.5 feet cross section. The long axis is orientated NNW-SSE. A modern dry stane dyke has been constructed c. 6 feet W of the stone, running c. 30 yards ENE to the nearest boundary wall. Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone is listed as Canmore ID 60678.

There may be a relationship between Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone and Drummuckloch Hill Cairn which lies c. 70 yards SSE of the stone.


Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone
Standing Stone / Menhir

Directions to Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone: My route starts at the car park at Cairnryan Village Hall, adjacent to P&O Ferry Terminal. Walk N for c. 300 yards, cross the grass onto Claddyburn Terrace. Take the private single track lane to High Croach that bears left from Claddyburn Terrace. Follow this track uphill for c. 0.9 miles to a faint track starting on the right side of the track at NX 0804 6854. Take a 4x4 track S uphill over rough pasture towards a dry stane dyke. Follow the dry stane dyke S for c. 0.5 mile to reach a short dry stane dyke. Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone is located on the end of this dyke. Walk c. 70 yards SSE towards a circle of marsh grass concealing Drummuckloch Hill Cairn,c. 20 yards NE of the dry stane dyke. Once you leave the road the route may be boggy so waterproof footwear is recommended.My route is viewable on Drummuckloch Hill Cairn.

Sites within 20km of Drummuckloch Hill Standing Stone