
Image of Boreland (Standing Stones) by markj99

Boreland Standing Stones viewed from SE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Boreland (Standing Stones) by markj99

Boreland Standing Stones viewed from SW.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Boreland (Standing Stones) by markj99

Boreland Standing Stones viewed from NW.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Boreland (Standing Stones) by markj99

Boreland NE Standing Stone viewed from S.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Boreland (Standing Stones) by markj99

Boreland SW Recumbant Stone viewed from NE.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone



The Boreland Stones can easily be visited along with the two nearby cairns. Visit the Boreland cairn first then follow the directions for the White Cairn, Boreland. This will take you directly past the Boreland Stones. Three sites for the price of one!


The two stones are in a fenced enclosure about 50m from the road....Unsure of public access, but there is a large gate into the field where the stones are.
Nowt much to say about ‘em stands, the other don’t.

Sites within 20km of Boreland