Visited 20.11.22
Cruise W Cairn is a robbed-out grassy mound located c. 0.8 miles SSE of New Luce in Dumfries and Galloway. The cairn measures c. 45 feet in diameter and 2 feet high. There are two possible Kerb Stones, one on the SW Arc and the other on the E Arc. The interior of the mound is flat and featureless save for a cluster of small stones embedded in the S Quadrant.
Cruise W Cairn is unremarkable, but it has a close companion, Cruise E Cairn, perched on an elongated natural knoll c. 140 yards ENE. Canmore ID 61687 (go to Links) states that Cruise W Cairn was a stony mound in 1986, however, no stones are now visible.