
Image of Cruise W (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Possible Kerb Stone on SW Arc of Cruise W Cairn (Yardstick for Scale).

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cruise W (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Possible Kerb Stone on E Arc of Cruise W Cairn (Yardstick for Scale).

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Cruise W (Cairn(s)) by markj99

A Small Cluster of Stones in S Quadrant of Cruise W Cairn (Yardstick for Scale).

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Cruise W

Visited 20.11.22

Cruise W Cairn is a robbed-out grassy mound located c. 0.8 miles SSE of New Luce in Dumfries and Galloway. The cairn measures c. 45 feet in diameter and 2 feet high. There are two possible Kerb Stones, one on the SW Arc and the other on the E Arc. The interior of the mound is flat and featureless save for a cluster of small stones embedded in the S Quadrant.
Cruise W Cairn is unremarkable, but it has a close companion, Cruise E Cairn, perched on an elongated natural knoll c. 140 yards ENE. Canmore ID 61687 (go to Links) states that Cruise W Cairn was a stony mound in 1986, however, no stones are now visible.


Cruise W

Directions to Cruise E Cairn: Take the W turn to Glenluce off the A75. Turn left for New Luce after 0.2 mile. Stay on this road for c. 4 miles to reach Cruise Farm. There is room for one car to park at the Southern Upland Way (SUW) on the right. Walk along the SUW for 0.3 miles. Turn left after a gate, following a stone wall into a sheep pen. Take the right exit and follow the farm track. The track bears right into the field, heading towards the Cruise Cairns. My route is viewable on Cruise Cairns (go to Links).

Sites within 20km of Cruise W