Directions to Penderry Hill:
There is a minor crossroads on the A77 at Glenapp Church, c. 6 miles S of Ballantrae and 4 miles N of Cairnryan. Take the unsigned road opposite Glenapp Church and turn immediately right onto a dead end at Glenapp Schoolhouse. Park up at NX 0743 7466 and follow the Ayrshire Coastal Path bearing right across the Water of App Bridge. Head SW and bear right up the ACP at NX 0671 7421. Follow the ACP for c. 1.2 miles to reach a pair of short standing stones at NX0552 7453. Continue N on the ACP for c. 0.2 miles to reach NX0561 7485. Head SE through a gate on the left. After c. 30 yards head N through a gate into open moorland. Follow a track heading N at first, then take a track heading NW up the slope. Maintain a NW bearing towards the OS Trig Point to reach the cairn on the summit of Penderry Hill. My c. 2.5 miles route is viewable on Penderry Hill Cairn.