Visited 11.02.24
Friar’s Kirk SE Cairn is located on open moorland c. 3 miles NNW of Penwhirn Reservoir in Dumfries and Galloway. The round grassy mound has small stones scattered on the surface, concentrated on a round stone structure built around a hollow in the E arc. The ruined structure has an internal diameter of c. 3 feet with a wall c. 1 feet wide. The overall dimensions of the cairn are c. 40 feet across by 2 feet high.
Friar’s Kirk NW Cairn lies c. 270 yards NW of Friar’s Kirk SE Cairn. According to Canmore ID 61924, Friar’s Kirk SE Cairn is c. 120m NW of Friar’s Kirk Enclosure, a ruined sheepfold.