
Image of Torhousekie Farm (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Torhousekie W Cairn viewed from NE. (11.05.22)

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Torhousekie Farm (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Torhousekie W Cairn viewed from SW. (11.05.22)

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Torhousekie Farm (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Torhousekie W Cairn viewed from NW. (11.05.22)

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Torhousekie Farm (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Centre of Torhousekie W Cairn viewed from NW. (11.05.22)

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Torhousekie Farm (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Torhousekie Farm Cairn centre, covered in scattered stones. (30.07.11) This is from the N bank of the cairn just after a squall so the light is subdued.


Torhousekie Farm

Torhousekie Farm Cairn has survived in better condition than the E cairns which have been erased from the landscape. The overall footprint of the cairn is intact and there are original stones scattered on the centre of the low mound.

It is possible to park in a gateway on the B733 at NX 3790 5669. Head N across the field for c. 130 yards to a gate in the dry stane dyke. Torhousekie Farm Cairn is c. 70 yards SW of here parallel to the dry stane dyke. My route is viewable on Torhouse Farm Cairn.

Torhousekie Farm

Visited 23.02.20

Torhouskie Farm Cairn lies 200 yards E of the farm. It is in a ruinous state, only the outline of a 25 metre cairn and an earth bank remaining.
Canmore ID 62842 (go to Links) suggests it is a robbed out bell-cairn.
It may be accessed by parking at Torhouse Stone Circle and walking back towards the farm around a quarter of a mile. There is a gate into the adjacent field which provides closer access.
The raised earth bank and intermittent perimeter of stones give a clue as to how impressive this cairn would have been in its youth.
There is a scattering of smaller stones at the centre giving the impression of concentric circles. However, these stones may be a later addition due to field clearance.

Sites within 20km of Torhousekie Farm