
Image of Lessons (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Low Lessons as seen from the footpath. Kirroughtree House Cairns W & E are on the near horizon.



There is a parking lay-by at NX42746533 on the B7079 just before the A712 junction. Walk towards Creebridge observing Low Lessons in the field to the right. Around 200 yards there is a gate into the field with Low Lessons lying 200 yards WNW. High Lessons lies a further 200 yards WSW beside the stone wall, partially fenced off. Only an outline remains with a stony base. There is a gate just beyond High Lessons onto the footpath.
Canmore ID 63434 (go to Links) give futher information on Low Lessons and Canmore ID 63433 (go to Links) on High Lessons.



Drive-by 30.7.15

A short distance east of the Newton Stewart cairn, on the B7079. On the norther side of the road, other side of a stone wall.

There are two cairns here – High Lessons (no sign of it) and Low Lessons (visible as a rough grass covered mound in the middle of the field). There was no obvious place to park in close proximity.

Canmore state:
High Lesson – The cairn is almost completely destroyed, grass covered rubble base, 0.3m high. 1966
Low Lesson – A partially grass covered cairn, half of which has been removed fom its south side. It is 70ft in diameter and 6ft high. 1966

Sites within 20km of Lessons