

Kirroughtree House E

Take the A712 turn off the A75. Take the second left for Kirroughtree /Conifers Lodges, a single track road with passing places. After 500 yards there is a passing place at NX42646579 where you can stop safely.
Kirroughtree House E Cairn is a large cairn around 20 yards across, planted with a ring of mature trees and surrounded by a tumbledown dry stane dyke. Kirroughtree House W cairn is visible 200 yards NNW. Head for this and take a gate left into an adjacent field. Kirroughtree House E is 200 yards E.
The cairn has a commanding view towards Creebridge and the A75. The trees and the wall lend the cairn a greater presence in the landscape.
There are some exposed stones on the cairn but no cist visible.
Canmore ID 63441 (go to Links) gives a fuller account of the cairn.

Sites within 20km of Kirroughtree House E