2ft x 2ft Stone in SW Arc of Drumfern Stone Circle.
2ft x 2ft Stone in SW Arc of Drumfern Stone Circle.
3ft x 3ft Stone in NE Arc of Drumfern Stone Circle.
Four stones here defining an arc of the ring.
Two circle stones and Glenmalloch hill rises beyond the trees.
Two circle stones and a probable third broken stone.
Four circle stones, the nearest is the biggest at about one meter high.
You can see one stone in the foreground and two just peeking through the reeds at the back.
That’s it, basically.
For access, see Drannandow.
Very ruined stone circle which once was 26m in diameter. This width and the absence of stones (five remain standing) make it difficult to photograph.
Also difficult to know that you are “there” with so many other stones in the area. An 8-figure grid reference (NX39997099) and a GPS may give some confidence.
Visited 2 May 2004