
Image of Sheuchan’s Cairn (Cairn) by markj99

Excavated NE-SW axis of Sheuchan’s Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Sheuchan’s Cairn (Cairn) by markj99

Overview of Sheuchan’s Cairn’s exposed chamber.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Sheuchan’s Cairn (Cairn) by markj99

Inside Sheuchan’s Cairn’s exposed chamber.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Sheuchan’s Cairn (Cairn) by markj99

An irregular hollow in the NW quadrant of Sheuchan’s Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Sheuchan’s Cairn

I found some old pictures on a flash drive of Sheuchan’s Cairn on Brecklach Hill taken in 2012. Since I had no recollection of where it was or how I got there I decided to visit again to update its current status.
This was indeed fortuitous given the change in Sheuchan’s Cairn circumstances. Previously it had been sheltered in a clearing on thickly forested Brecklach Hill, now it was a clear spot in the devastation that tree felling leaves behind. The cairn itself has not changed.
Sheuchan’s Cairn is a moss covered chambered cairn around 20 yards across by 2 yards high. There have been several desecrations especially in the centre of the cairn in a NE-SW axis. A chamber with a dressed stone has been exposed in the SW quadrant. There is a significant irregular hollow in the NW quadrant which doesn’t resemble a chamber.
Directions: From Newton Stewart take the A714 to Girvan. At Bargrennan turn L for Glentrool Village. Stay on this road for 6 miles until you reach an un-signposted L turn at a crossroads (NX 3645 8508). No unauthorised vehicles are allowed on this road so it’s a long walk or short cycle if you come prepared. Follow this rough forest road for 1.75 miles until you come to a Y junction at NX 3420 8418. Take the L road for around 300 yards, look R and you will see a green spot on the brow of the hill at NX 3379 8387. Make your way around 250 yards through the broken ground, ditches and tree stumps to Sheuchan’s Cairn.
Canmore ID 68800 (go to Links) gives a full description of Sheuchan’s Cairn.

Sites within 20km of Sheuchan’s Cairn