Blairbuy 1 Carved Panel, located at NX 37193 41422.
Blairbuy 1 Carved Panel, located at NX 37193 41422.
Cup & Ring Carving on Blairbuy 1 Carved Panel.(27.08.11)
Blairbuy 01
One of a number of cup and ring rock art panels, at the foot of the Fell of Barhullion. Blairbuy, near Monreith in the Machars of Galloway.
panel 1 16-3-2008
the small cup and ring next to the main motif.
panel 1 16-3-2008
panel 1 16-3-2008
old photograph taken 1900 showing panel 1.
nice cows...just stood and watched, never bothered us.
It has been my experience that a six figure OS Grid Reference is inadequate for locating Cup & Ring Marked stones: It defines a square measuring 100m by 100m. It can be frustrating to find one stone amongst many. Canmore ID 62758 gives a ten figure OS Grid Reference, NX 37193 41422 for Blairbuy 1 Carved Panel. This locates the site to a 1m by 1m square. In my opinion, all Cup & Ring Marked stones should have ten figure OS Grid References.
Blairbuy 1 on BRAC