
Image of Billy Marshall’s Cave by markj99

Slope up to Eastman’s Cairn from Billy Marshall’s Cave

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Billy Marshall’s Cave by markj99

Close-up of rusted iron pin indicating Billy Marshall’s Cave

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Billy Marshall’s Cave

Billy Marshall’s Cave is situated at NX494679, approximately 900 metres north west of the summit. Again this cave is worth a visit, but difficult to find. Fortunately a rock above the cave has an iron bar protruding from it – thus helping to identify its location.”
The above quote is from Newton Stewart WalkFest.
It is more of a rock recess than a cave, lying 2 metres below the slope of Cairnsmore of Fleet and extending for around 10 metres. There is not enough room for Billy Marshall’s Band of Gypsies (go to Cairnsmore of Fleet Folklore), maybe 5 people max.
The easiest way to find Billy Marshall’s Cave is from the summit of Cairnsmore of Fleet. Skirting round Cairnsmore is pathless and longer. Approaching from the N via forest tracks and boggy moorland is unappealing.
From the trig point head NW towards Eastman’s cairn (a pile of stones) at NX 495 675. Follow down the slope to the N towards NX 4948 6798. This will require scrambling down into the valley but it is moderate. Look out for a flat rock with a rusted iron bar protruding vertically. Billy Marshall’s Cave is situated within several yards, a narrow vertical entrance into the cave.

Sites within 20km of Billy Marshall’s Cave