Nearly didn’t make it here, having missed the crucial left fork driving down from Glen Trool... too involved in a Capercaillie sing-a-long to notice, I guess. Muppet..... Nevertheless the ‘I’ll regret it once I get home if I don’t’ factor came into play, so back track I did, sweeping around to approach from the north – to be honest this is probably the most logical idea in terms of fixing position anyway. It was a good decision.
Set high upon Bencallen Hill, this is a fine chamber, although I have to admit it’s hard to reconcile that the ‘front’ is actually generally perceived to be the ‘back’. That’s the result of all the cairn material being ‘recycled’ as sheep fold walling.... a somewhat disorientated Megarak.
Nevertheless it just seems ‘right’ to be here, you know? Despite the row of electricity pylons marching down Howe of Laggan, like something out of H G Wells, despite the devastation of encircling forestry waste, the remains of this chambered cairn clearly belong upon this windswept hilltop.
G’s directions will get you here. Note, however, that due to forestry operations, the intervening landscape between road and monument is very rough, with several deep, water filled trenches to cross. Not a major issue with my long legs, but bear it in mind.