Directions to Knockeen Cairn from N: Head for Barr Village in South Ayrshire. Turn left onto Glenginnet Road at the dead end sign. Stay on the narrow road for c. 4 miles to the end of the road. Turn right for Glentrool/Newton Stewart. Stay on this single track road for c. 1.5 miles to reach a car park on the right at NX 3412 9371. Head E through the gate for Pinbreck Hill. There is no path so make your best way upwards through rough boggy ground, heading E towards the cairn on the summit. My route is viewable on Pinbreck Hill Cairn.
Directions to Knockeen Cairn from S: Head for Newton Stewart town centre. At the end of Victoria Street head straight on for Girvan A714. Follow this road for c. 8.5 miles to the Glentrool junction. Take the right turn to Glentrool. Stay on this road for c. 8.4 miles to Rowantree Toll. Bear left onto the cycle route for Carsphairn/Ayr. Follow this single track road for c. 2.3 miles to a car park on the left at NX 3412 9371. Head E through the gate for Pinbreck Hill. There is no path so make your best way upwards through rough boggy ground, heading E towards the cairn on the summit. My route is viewable on Pinbreck Hill Cairn.