
Image of Yar Tor summit cairn (Cairn(s)) by GLADMAN

Looking into the sun (the irony was not lost upon the viewer) approx SW towards the prosaic Dartmeet... where east meets west... or two become one, to quote those Spicy master 90’s philosophers.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone



Yar Tor summit cairn

At c1,364ft the summit of Yar Tor is an excellent viewpoint, particularly looking approx south-westward to Dartmeet.... although it has to be said that the vista to the east across the stone row to the massive cairns gracing Corndon Tor is not without interest either.

Furthermore, the summit is crowned by a rather substantial cairn, albeit one that has clearly been rather buggered about with by all and sundry over the years. Damn them to blazes!

According to Pastscape:

“Standing up to 2.0m high this cairn stands on the southern outcrop of Yar Tor and comprises a large irregular stony mound now spread and much altered by recent interference. The cairn has a footprint of over 23m. The central area has been hollowed and re-modelled”. [Newman, P 14-MAR-2008 EH Archaeological Field Investigation]

Sites within 20km of Yar Tor summit cairn