
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by Meic

10th September 2018

Image credit: Michael Mitchell
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by A R Cane

I guess this may have been the entrance. Beyond is the Eastern cairn.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by A R Cane

Oh no! The cows have escaped. Again.

Image credit: A R Cane
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by GLADMAN

Looking toward the excellent stone row and cairn-circle (top left)... the craggy summit of Down Tor itself can be seen top right.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by GLADMAN

Down Tor’s great eastern cairn can be seen beyond.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by GLADMAN

The circular wall of the enclosure hints at what once must’ve been an impressive structure.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by thesweetcheat

Showing the blocks used to construct the wall (western end).

Image credit: A. Brookes (12.7.2010)
Image of Narrator Brook Head enclosure by thesweetcheat

Seen from the SW. The single orthostat “jamb” can be seen to the right of the picture.

Image credit: A. Brookes (12.7.2010)


Narrator Brook Head enclosure

To the northeast of the row, but not aligned with it, is Narrator Brookhead enclosure. It’s oval in plan and there are no obvious structures (such as hut circles) inside it. The outer wall is still thick, but only a single course high.


Narrator Brook Head enclosure

Description from Pastscape:

A sub-circular enclosure with an approximately level interior and no trace of hut circles. The internal diameter is 40-43m and the enclosure covers an area of 1400m square. The wall is constructed from large moorstone blocks though now collapsed and spread and partially turf covered. The wall is up to 5m wide by 0.6m high. A possible entrance on the east side has an orthostat post in situ 1.4m high.

Sites within 20km of Narrator Brook Head enclosure