
Image of Brand End (Standing Stones) by postman

The second stone is inbetween the telegraph pole and the wooden post

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Brand End

At the end of a long thin lane coming off the A53
is Brand end house, plenty of parking and a short walk to the stones. The tall squarish stone with a tapered top is about 7-8ft tall and seems to have packing stones, (unless its sighted on an old cairn or just dumped there) about thirty feet away is the smaller stone. Great views over to Hollins hill not so great is the view of Brand end house with its cronky old vans.
The two stones are just intervisible because the wall stops with only a foot to spare.
Because the site wasn’t on here before I’m a little suspect (surely Stubob would’ve come here) the square profile of the stone is also suspicous but the smaller one is very reminiscent of other Peak district stones like the Murder stone, also it looks down upon Hollins hill with it’s becairned summit .

Sites within 20km of Brand End