

Stanshope Pasture

There are several barrows on Stanshope Pasture most of which are impressive in their own right, but their position high above where Hall Dale meets Dove Dale, the Peaks most dramatic limestone gorge, is perhaps more impressive still.

AT SK132 542, is a huge barrow measuring some 41m x 35m in diameter and maybe over 1.5m in height, although it’s position on a narrow ridge makes it appear much larger.
Excavations in 1849 unearthed 3 rock-cut graves, a disturbed cist. These held 5 inhumations, 3 beakers, horse teeth and flint and bronze artefacts.

Built onto a low rocky knoll the most southerly of the barrows is the pick of the bunch. Measuring around 15m in diameter, the barrow is around 2.5m high and pretty complete. Excavated the mound contained inhumations, cremations, a cist and flint and bone artefacts.
The views across the valley to the Nabs and then south down Dove Dale are something else.

Excavation info:
J. Barnatt’s “Barrow Corpus”
B Marsden’s “The Burial Mounds of Derbyshire”

Sites within 20km of Stanshope Pasture