
Image of Longgutter (Round Barrow(s)) by postman

the car is parked by the trees top left

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Longgutter (Round Barrow(s)) by postman

Looking south east towards Lud’s church, Hen Cloud and the Roaches.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Longgutter (Round Barrow(s)) by postman

The enigmatic semi circle of stones with the Bullstones outlier and the Bullstone herself beyond.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Longgutter (Round Barrow(s)) by postman

The enigmatic semi circle of stones thirty meters from the Longgutter circle.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Longgutter (Round Barrow(s)) by postman

About fifty yards down hill from the circular feature, is this semi circle of stones, about six form the northern arc of a hypothetical circle, with other out of position but close the northern arc. Blast this fog, retrip.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton



Even though I’d spotted this circle from above on google earth and knew where more or less it was, the fog was so thick I didn’t hold out much hope for locating it, it is only a slight feature in the landscape.
Eric was by now a tad browned off about being cold and wet and elected to stay in the car, as the road is next to the field I would be searching in and with in shouting distance, I felt this would be okay for ten minutes. As I looked round through the field starting a systematic field walk I saw a fence to my left and would have felt remiss if I didn’t have a quick look over it, luckily on the other side I could see the Bullstones that singular site that luck saw fit to have in Cheshire. I jumped over and had a quick shufty round, it was even foggier than the last time I came here. Back over the fence and south a bit brought me to a big shapely stone “pitched on end” as it were, on another website it’s known as the Bullstones outlier.
Fifty yards further southish is a semi circle of small boulders, it looks for all the world like half a stone circle, the stones forming what would be the east-north-west arc of a circle, other stones lie off the circumference but only by a few feet.
Then fifty yards up the hill west, and there is the reason I came here the enigmatic circular feature that could be another stone circle or maybe a barrow of some sort or as maybe more likely a hut circle, as soon as I found it Eric began to remind me my ten minutes were up five minutes ago, in that way that ten year old boys do, in full voice.
The ten meter wide circle is nicely round with an entrance facing south south west, at it’s south end some bigger stones are showing through the turf.
Eric is fair shouting by now, so I walk blindly through the fog towards the yelling child, backing slowly away from the circular feature, clicking the camera and vowing to be back this way as soon as the skies clear.

Sites within 20km of Longgutter