Doll Tor stone.
My favourite angle, it looks like a giant frog getting ready to leap off into the undergrowth.
It’s chunkier than I was expecting.
Doll Tor stone. I like the patterns left by roots or creepers in the lichen.
The stone in summer. Stu just visible behind the tree. :)
Stone around 50 metres down hill from Doll Tor stone circle. Circa 1.5m high with deep rilling.
This stone stands around 1.5m tall and is located around 50 metres down hill from doll Tor stone circle. It’s easy to find but the route to it can become a impassable tangle of brambles in high summer.
There are other large stones close by, some suggestive of a four stone alignment including this stone. I’m uncertain of age but the rilling suggests its been stood this way for millenia.
Stu first pointed this out to me several years ago but as we visited in summer we couldn’t really explore the area fully.
Well worth a look if you’re visiting the nearby circle.