
Image of Long Low (Bank Barrow) by postman

The southern barrow with malignant metal container/tank .

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Long Low (Bank Barrow) by postman

Long low from on top of the matal container/tank on the southern barrow.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Long Low (Bank Barrow) by postman

looking back down the hill from the lane, it is a loooong low.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Long Low (Bank Barrow) by postman

looking down on the southern barrow from up a tree

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Long Low (Bank Barrow) by GLADMAN

Imminent rain at Long Low. Whatever...

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Long Low (Bank Barrow) by stubob

09/02 Banking more prominent on left as it approaches larger northern cairn..


Long Low

Long low wasn’t easy to find, in fact it would be fair to say we were going round in circles, unlike my first visit years ago when I had no problems locating it, but back then I was on my own and able to concentrate and tap into my site radar.

Eventually I was on the right road, even then its not much of a road, I could see it down the hill as I came over the crest, I was a tad naughty but I went all the way down and parked on farm property, right next to the southern barrow, but as the farm is out of site a quick hour was gotten away with.

From the other notes it seems we don’t really know what to make of Long low, It has two barrows some distance away from each other and linked together by a long linear earthwork. The whole thing is a bit battered and abused, the cistern tank on the southern barrow is most annoying. Perhaps the occupants of the barrows were considered of such close kin as to be permanently and physically linked together.
Probably all too simple and just plain wrong, but as its such a singular construction one is forced to come up with some reason for it.

Long Low

Had been wanting to get here for a while and finally did on the end of May bank holiday. Access is ok although the road leading up to it is very narrow and had to reverse down the hill when I met another car.

There is space to park and turn at the top although the ‘monument’ is on private land. It is a weird one, unique in the Peak District and I’ve read that the only comparable site is something like Long Bredy bank barrow. It has been dug into a fair bit and the mound was divided up into stalls radiating off a central stone spine. Lots of skeletons were found dating to the neolithic.

It’s a funny one to make sense of, 2 bronze age barrows are surplanted onto each end although they’re pretty battered. Good site with amazing views across the area and lots of other barrowed hill tops.

Long Low

Visited here on 19th August 2004, my 50th birthday! Access not brilliant and it takes a while to work out the lie of the land cos of the wall running along the length of the barrow. Nevertheless, an uplifting experience. A superbly positioned site with wonderful eye-level White Peak horizon and long, open views. Added bonus – delicious puff-balls, but please don’t trample the pastures looking for more, they were a special present!

Long Low

[visited 3/4/4] “Unique in england” according to Dyer and I’m sure he’s not wrong about that. Dyer says this is a neolithic chambered cairn at the Northern end with a later southern barrow with connecting bank. The bank was built with two rows of upright limestone slabs and this is visible (I think) leading away from the southern mound. Burials were found in the northern end and cremations along the bank and at the south.

Access is inadequate, you can get to wall of the field it’s half in by car but otherwise its through a stile thing or over a gate.

Well, I didn’t know what to expect with this and left not quite sure whats going on. It is a little gem tucked away but spoilt somewhat by the fence and tank as stubob says. Its been dug into quite a bit as well, so don’t come expecting a show site! That said it is a real enigma and I’m not surprised its been put in as a bank barrow. The connecting mound is large, 2m odd high and 10m across, but the dimensions as a whole are wrong in my opinion for it to be linked with say, Long Bredy bank barrow.

Long Low

A unique site in the Peak, the bank is over 200m long with bulges at the northern and southern end. These bulges look like barrows added to each end but are just part of the bank.
On average the bank is about 1.5m high but is higher and wider to the north.

Pity about the drystone wall that runs its length and the small silage tank on the southern bulge. But it’s still well worth checking out.......


Long Low
Bank Barrow

“A phenomenon in the Peak District, of which there are at least three examples, is the practice of superimposing round barrows at one end of long barrows. Another very unusual site, probably Later Neolithic, is Long Low near Wetton. This comprises of an exceptional mound, 210m (689ft) long and 12-28m (40-92ft) wide. At the wider eastern end there is a possible horned forecourt and a collapsed burial chamber” EH, Peak District – John Barnatt and Ken Smith.

Sites within 20km of Long Low