Long low wasn’t easy to find, in fact it would be fair to say we were going round in circles, unlike my first visit years ago when I had no problems locating it, but back then I was on my own and able to concentrate and tap into my site radar.
Eventually I was on the right road, even then its not much of a road, I could see it down the hill as I came over the crest, I was a tad naughty but I went all the way down and parked on farm property, right next to the southern barrow, but as the farm is out of site a quick hour was gotten away with.
From the other notes it seems we don’t really know what to make of Long low, It has two barrows some distance away from each other and linked together by a long linear earthwork. The whole thing is a bit battered and abused, the cistern tank on the southern barrow is most annoying. Perhaps the occupants of the barrows were considered of such close kin as to be permanently and physically linked together.
Probably all too simple and just plain wrong, but as its such a singular construction one is forced to come up with some reason for it.