Brighter skies coming. The hillfort is on the hilltop in the centre. From the west.
Brighter skies coming. The hillfort is on the hilltop in the centre. From the west.
Landscape context for the fort (centre skyline) from fields near Youlgreave as we near the end of our walk.
I get this odd feeling that I’m being watched.
The little fort on its hillltop (centre), seen from the northwest across Bradford Dale, from fields above Youlgreave.
Castle Ring from the Limestone Way above Youlgreave.
In its landscape context, seen from Bradford Dale on the outskirts of Youlgreave.
From the northwest.
You there, yes you number75, face the front.
03/03. Section of a possible outer bank.
03/03. View from South -ish
Ive been to the nearby Robin Hoods stride and stone circle so many times I dont know how many, yet ive not been here till now, and by the looks of it hardly anyone does, why?
We drove slowly and carefully down the driveway, and parked by the farm just as the lady of the house was coming out. We asked if it would be ok if went and saw the earthworks, she replied that the cows had just gone out, I looked both sheepishly and pleadingly and asked if that was a no, she paused and asked how many are you, just me and the boy . Ok then but be careful.
Maybe I was beginning to see why no one comes here.
We walked round the corner towards the cow shed and a few were still hanging around, one of them mooed at us, Eric mooed back.
The earth work is surmounted by a wall all the way round, and rubble lies on and in the ground all the way round. Cows mooed
The farm makes it difficult to properly appreciate the enclosure, it has destroyed the south eastern arc, but what remains is quite impressive and as youd expect the views are tremendous.
Cows were still mooeing
On our way back to the car, the farm dog alerted the farm lady we were back I looked at her kindly and said a big thankyou, she then thanked me for asking, and I thanked her for thanking me.
Couldnt hear the cows from this side of the farm.
Dont know why more people dont come here.
Always go and find someone from the farm before visiting....
Tiny hillfort (because of it’s size it is thought to be more of a refuge) enclosing only 3 quarters of an acre. Good bank, ditch and counterscarp. A small section is missing in the SE. Rooke described an entrance visible in the SE in the 18th Century, but there are no traces today.
If you follow the ‘Limestone Way’ around the farm. There looks to be the remains of what might’ve been an outer bank. Over 2m high in places.