
Image of Boars Low (Round Barrow(s)) by stubob

05/06. One of the suggested standing stones noted by Robert Harris.

Image of Boars Low (Round Barrow(s)) by stubob

05/06. In his book ‘Walks in the Ancient Peak’ Robert Harris notes two standing stones aligned with the barrow. The stones are in the field west of Boars Low on the opposite side of the A515.
Not convinced myself like....
A 3rd stone can be seen in the distance (top left) but is not mentioned by Harris.


Boars Low

With no plans to stop on my 4-hour trek home, it was with a screech of brakes and a floorwell full of front-seat junk that I decided with 25 yards to go to stop and have a look, as I’ve passed it too many times without paying my respects.

Strangely the tree-planting noted by Stubob only covers the road-side of the barrow, and there seems to have been no additions since his photos from last December, though the unplanted side does seem to have spouting trees of some sort, maybe from coppicing.

Hemmed in by drystone walling, but protected by it, so a double-edged sword, unfortunately not repaired after digging so bearing the scar on the south-east side, which always gets my back up. But this is compensated by the lovely views of the Dales, a far softer and less forbidding landscape than further north. A definite stop-for-a-ciggie place for the future on my A515 slog.

Boars Low

Easily seen on the A515 ,still quite big but hemmed in by field walls and recently planted with young trees in time it will become more and more invsible

Boars Low

By the turn off for Tissington on the A515 Buxton – Ashbourne road.

Boars Low is a bit battered from when it was tree covered, but is still quite impressive in its height. It was dug in the 1840’s when a human cremation was found.

Sites within 20km of Boars Low